Honey Allergies Myth
A popular television show is used to dispel several myths about allergies in Allergy Myth Busters. However, are the myths simply urban legends? In this article, we discuss the Honey Allergies Myth.
Here Is The Myth:
Locally grown honey helps relieve symptoms associated with allergic atopic (allergic) conditions, like asthma.
Few literature searches specifically deal with local honey and how to use it. In a study published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology in February 2002, local honey was shown to have no benefits.
Study participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups. These groups received honey collected locally, unpasteurized, and unfiltered, honey collected nationally, filtered, and pasteurized, and corn syrup with synthetic honey flavoring.
Honey or a substitute was encouraged to be consumed every day as part of the participants’ usual management plan. Both groups had the same level of symptom relief.
The International Archives of Allergy and Immunology found benefits. Study examined the consumption of honey with birch pollen or honey with added birch pollen by Forty Four patients who had been diagnosed with birch pollen allergy.
Patients in the first two groups experienced no improvement in symptoms, while patients in the BPH group experienced a statistically significant improvement.
Honey Allergies Myth This article says the same thing: locally grown honey is not beneficial for allergies. How is that? It was obvious in the first article that there was no benefit obtain in the group of participants consuming local honey.
However, the same result was confirm in the second study. Symptom improvement would not have occur.
Natural methods of treating allergies should be promoted. They ignore the fact that birch pollen had to be added. The first article is often said to be outdated or old, so it isn’t given any credence, which is absurd. There are few facts to support the claim, so what is available is mostly anecdotal. There are anecdotes cited by many websites that contradict our own.
Keep in mind that bees harvest nectar from flowers, not pollen to produce honey. Honey has very little pollen on it. Moreover, the pollen they handle comes from flowers that require insect pollination, unlike most of the allergy-producing trees, grasses, and weeds that require pollen to be contains by insects each year for reproduction.
These plants produce large amounts of pollen, and their pollination is determine by the wind. They do not need bees. There are allergen-producing pollen grains in honey, but they are in very small amounts.
Listed Below Are Some Allergies myths about the season:
There’s no wonder since health information is readily available via a variety of sources, including television shows, social media, and marketing campaigns. There are only a few reliable sources, and not everyone can tell facts from falsehood.
Around 20 million Americans, including six million children, suffer from allergic rhinitis. Seven million Canadians also suffer from it. In the fall, ragweed produces trigger-based rhinitis that crosses from one trigger and one season to the next.
With the spring chorus of sniffling, throat clearing, hacking, and tissue wiping growing, allergy experts.
Myth 1: Flowers Cause My Allergies,
Thus Eating Local Honey Will Improve My Symptoms.
Debunking the theory comes in two parts: first, the presumption of flowers, then the theory of honey. As pollen allergies become more prevalent in spring, we see flower blooms burst open.
It is the synchronous timing of these events that leads some to falsely conclude that flowers are responsible for their seasonal allergies, but tree pollen is far more likely to be at fault.
Stukus is a professor of pediatrics who works at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. He explains that most flowers’ pollen is too big to be contain by the breeze.
Flowers, therefore, depend on insects such as bees to spread pollen and reproduce. As well as being too large to cross mucus membranes, flower pollens are too large to meet with antibodies and kick off a reaction by releasing chemicals.
Tree pollen is, on the other hand, designed to fly. In spring, Alder, Cedar, Birch, Maple, Juniper, or Cottonwood trees produce millions of small, easily inhaled pollen grains.
As tree pollens are responsible for causing the symptoms, this calls into question the popular belief that local honey can prevent them. Honey Allergies myth There is no question that flower pollen that falls off bees may well be found in the tubs on farmer’s market tables.
However, this is not the right pollen to desensitize those with tree allergies. Additionally, there is no proof that tree pollen would desensitize if it were mix in with the sample.
It has been suggest that consuming pollen from trees can cause symptoms. The better your allergies are to honey, the more likely it is that it is just a coincidence.
The researchers in Connecticut found participants with pollen allergies had similar symptoms whether they consumed local, unpasteurized honey, nationally collected and pasteurized honey, or honey-flavored corn syrup.
Myth 2: Children with Allergies to Honey Can’t Be Young Outside.
Unfortunately, symptoms of pollen allergies can be present as early as two and three years old. It takes at least two seasons for the immune system to recognize the pollen protein as an invader and respond accordingly.
In a Japanese study of 130 children with environmental allergies and asthma, both runny, itchy noses and asthma symptoms occurred near the end of their third year.
Parental reluctance abounds when it comes to giving children medicine, believing it will harm them. However, Bansal assures that these fears are unfound. The safety of many over-the-counter medications has been investigate in kids.
Ignoring symptoms is not a smart idea. Honey Allergies Myth You should take your child to the doctor if he or she has persistent congestion, is unable to concentrate, or is constantly wiping his or her nose with tissues during class.
It is imperative to keep an eye out for kids who frequently rub their noses and clear their throats. They may have dark circles under their eyes if they are pollen-allergic.
Dr. Bansal says parents and doctors should work together to treat children’s allergies more aggressively to prevent complications, including nasal polyps and sinus damage. Several nasal sprays and antihistamines are approve for use by children as young as 2.
At Allergy Partners, we can administer immunotherapy with a natural pollen extract if you’re experiencing allergies. This prevents asthma and allergies from progressing and reduces atopy statistics.
Baby’s under 12 months should not be given local honey. Honey allergies can put a person at risk of anaphylactic shock if they suffer from diabetes and be allergic to bee venom Snopes.
Faisal is a Passionate blogger. He has been sharing his knowledge and expertise on natural remedies and wellness through articles on honeyaloevera. As a firm believer in the power of nature, He has been researching and writing about the benefits of honey and aloe vera for years, with a keen interest in educating people about how these two amazing ingredients can help them achieve a healthy and happy lifestyle.
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